
内容来源:肖登天更新时间:2024-05-05 08:38:35

tuff: [noun] a rock composed of the finer kinds of volcanic detritus usually fused together by heatTuff Tuff is a volcanic rock consisting of consolidated volcanic ash It is a product of explosive volcanic eruptions It can be considered to be a volcanic analogue of sandstone Both sand grains and volcanic ash grains have a diameter between 1/162 mm However, the term is often used for many pyroclastic rocks (pyroclasts are fragments TUFF definition: 1 a way of writing tough 2 a way of writing tough Learn moreTuff is only correct when used as a noun that references a certain type of rock If you are writing about a specific commercial product that includes tuff as part of a proper name, this usage is also acceptable For all other contexts, though, tough is the correct spelling of this word Tough is a tough word to spell, so by remembering the 𐟔Š Jaah SLT - Tuff (Lyrics)Listen to "Tuff' on Spotify:https://openspotifycom/track/5AujkwFB6bDb3WOleq6Lsj⚡ InvertOG Spotify Playlist:https://openspotifyjaah slt, tuff, jaah slt tuff, tuff jaah slt, tuff Lyrics, Lyrics tuff, jaah slt Lyrics tuff, tuff Lyrics jaah slt, Lyrics jaah slt tuff, Lyrics tuff jaah slTuff is a type of rock made from consolidated volcanic ash, usually ejected from a vent during an eruption After the ash lands, it hardens/compacts under pressure until it becomes solid (lithification) It typically has a high content of silica, which gives it a strong resistance to weathering and erosionType Igneous Rock Texture Pyroclastic Origin Extrusive/Volcanic Chemical Composition Felsic Color Pink Mineral Composition Predominantly Glass Miscellaneous Dark Pink/Red Lapilli in Ash matrix Tectonic Environment Convergent Boundary – Andean-type subduction zones, intracontinental hot spots and rifts Type Igneous Rock Texture Pyroclastic Origin Extrusive/Volcanic Chemical Composition Felsic Tuff definition: tough (def See examples of TUFF used in a sentence搜索结果Tuff or ash tuff is a pyroclastic rock with at least 75% volcanic ash Volcanic ash are particles no more than 2 mm ejected during a volcanic eruption On the other hand, pyroclast rocks form from lithified or welded materials ejected during volcanic eruptions These materials are called tephra or pyroclasts

tuff 形容人





tuff guy

tuff rb什么意思

李宁tuff rb

tuff rb 橡胶





tuff 中文翻译

tuff crowd


tuff os


李宁tuff rb耐磨吗


tuff day





tuff rb 橡胶和tuff os






    • Tuff - Wikipedia
    • How amazing | Small world play, Tuff tray, Small world
    • Tuff Moai Stock Photos - FreeImages.com
    • EYFS simple building and balance construction tuff spot | Tuff tray ...




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